Parental Alienation is a distressing situation that can arise during divorce or separation where one parent intentionally or unintentionally turns a child against other parents. A toxic environment not only damages the relationship between the child and the targeted parent but can have a lasting emotional impact on the child as well. Here we will be sharing 17 signs of parental alienation that can help targeted parents and concerned family members to intervene before the situation escalates. Let’s get started.
Signs of Parental Alienation to Know for Everyone

1. Signs of Child’s Behavior
Parental alienation occurs when one parent manipulates a child to reject or distance themselves from the other parent. Recognizing the 17 signs of this behavior is crucial for everyone, as it can deeply affect the child’s emotional well-being.
2. Unjustified Rejection of One Parent
The child expresses strong, irrational opposition, criticism or hostility towards the targeted parent. For example, a child who previously had a loving relationship with their father suddenly declares they “hate” him for no apparent reason.
3. Weak or Absurd Reason for Dislike
The child’s negative attitude and behavior towards the targeted parent are justified by the favoured parent using weak explanations. For instance, the child may claim they don’t want to visit their mother because” she never lets me do anything fun, when the reality is the mother has set reasonable boundaries.
4. Lack of Guilt or Remorse
The child shows little to no guilt for their hostile treatment of the targeted parent. They are often cold and unapologetic to a child’s typical behavior and empathy levels.
5. Claiming the Decision to reject is Their Own
When a child insists that their decision to reject the targeted parent is entirely their own choice. The child may deny they are simply parroting the favoured parent’s negative opinions and language. The child cannot recognize the external influences of the targeted parent which reflects their judgement and experiences.
6. Blind Loyalty to the Alienating Parent
Child accepts the favored parent’s negative or false statement about the targeted parent without question. The child will defend the favored parent’s position even in the presence of clear evidence that contradicts their narrative. Pulling apart the blind loyalty is the main step in the process of reuniting the child with the targeted parent and overcoming the damage of parental alienation.
7. Disregard for Alienated Parents Feeling
When a child has a disregard for the feelings and experiences of the targeted parent. Child becomes emotionally distant, uncaring and hostile towards the alienated parent. They may ignore the parent’s attempts at affection, refuse to engage in conversation or belittle their feelings. Undermining the child’s bond with the targeted parent and portraying unworthy love and respect has successfully severed the emotional investment in the relationship.
8. Borrowed Scenarios and Language
The borrowed language and scenario building is a clear indication that a child is not expressing their authentic thoughts and emotions. The child may use complex legal terminology or make accusations that are well beyond the typical cognitive capabilities of a child.
9. Animosity towards Extended Family
Child disrespects the targeted parent’s family members like grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. They refuse to interact with or spend time with these extended family members, even though they have done nothing wrong. The child’s anger and rejection of the family is unfair and unjustified.
10. Distorted or Fabricated Memories
Child’s memories of past events and experiences with a targeted parent are twisted or made up completely. These distorted memories align with the negative stories and opinions the favored parent has told the child about the targeted parent. The child believes these changed or made up memories are true, even though they don’t match what happened.
11. Loss of Shared Interests
The child used to enjoy certain activities or experiences with the parent but has now lost interest and stopped participating in shared interests and Montessori Activities for Toddlers. The child no longer wants to spend time with parents doing the things they both used to enjoy.
12. Exaggeration of Alienated Parents Flaws
The child makes even small mistakes or problems seem much worse than they are. They focus on and emphasise the parent’s flaws and shortcomings. At the same time, the child ignores or minimizes all the good things the parent does and the positive qualities they have as a parent.
Signs of Alienating Parent’s Behavior

Alienating parent’s behavior typically involves tactics aimed at damaging the relationship between the child and the other parent. Some common signs include
13. Expressing Disapproval of The Targeted Parent
The parent openly shows their approval, criticism and negative feelings about the targeted parent in front of the child. They openly express these negative opinions and attitudes towards the other parent.
14. Justifying Hostile Actions
The favoured parent makes excuses for and tries to justify the child’s hostile actions and negative feelings towards the parent. They support the child’s anger and rejection of other parents.
15. Hostility Towards The Targeted Parent’s Relatives
The parent actively encourages and fosters the child’s disrespect and anger towards the parent’s family members like grandparents, uncles and cousins. They turn the child against the extended family.
16. Adopting the Child’s Opinions
The parent agrees with and reinforces the child’s negative opinions and views about the targeted parent. They side with the child’s rejection of the other parent for strengthening the child’s hostile feelings.
17. Creating and Idealized Image of Themselves
The parent creates a positive and perfect image of themselves in the child’s mind. This may demonise the image they have created of the targeted parent.
Seeking Help
If you are a parent dealing with parental alienation, it’s important to seek professional help and support. This toxic dynamic can have severe long-term results for both the child and the targeted parent. Seek out a therapist who specializes in parental alienation and family dynamics.
They can provide guidance, support and strategies for addressing the situation. Connect with support groups, either in-person or online where you can share your experiences, get advice and find solidarity with other parents.
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Wrap Up
These signs of parental alienation are essential for everyone to know. Awareness of alienating parent’s manipulative behaviors, the child’s changing attitudes and the loss of the parent-child bond are all important early indicators. Seeking professional help from therapists who understand parental alienation and strategies to protect their relationship with their child and work towards reunification.