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Parenting specialist, consultant & writer. Passionate about guiding families through challenges with empathy and expertise.

Help My Baby Learn To Drink From A Straw

How Can I Help My Baby Learn To Drink From A Straw?

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Being a mom, drinking from a straw is an important development milestone for babies. It helps to build oral motor skills and coordination. For many of you, it could be frustrating to make your little one use straw. Here we share some of the easiest steps for teaching babies to drink from a straw. With the right techniques and patience you can help your child to master this skill. Let’s get into the blog to know these steps.

How Do You Choose The Right Straw Cup?

How Do You Choose The Right Straw Cup
Image Source: Pexel

Select the appropriate cup to teach your baby to drink from a straw. Always look for a straw cup specifically designed for babies and toddlers. These cups should have the following features need to look for:

Soft & Silicone Straw

Don’t go for hard plastic or metal straws that can be uncomfortable and dangerous for the baby’s mouth. Choose a cup with soft, silicone straw. Flexible material will be gentle on little ones’ gums as they learn to get stuck on straws. 


You must consider a cup made from BPA-free plastic or other non-toxic materials. Keep an eye that your baby isn’t ingesting harmful chemicals. 

Easy to Hold

The cup should have a wide base and handles or grips to make it easy for little ones to hold. This will give your baby more control and stability to learn to drink. 


Always consider spill-proof or anti-leak design which will help minimize mess during this learning phase. 

Demonstration To Use The Straw

Once you have selected the right cup, it’s time to show your baby a technique for use. Start by filling the cup with a small amount of liquid such as water or diluted fruit juice. Hold the cup up to your baby’s mouth and gently touch the tip of the straw to their lips. It will help them to understand that the straw is there for them to stick on. Take a small tip from the straw yourself. It demonstrates the action you want your baby to mimic. When you sip, make eye contact with your baby and give an exaggerated Mmm! to show them how enjoyable it is.

Guide the straw to your baby’s lips and let them stick on it. You need to press the straw against their lips to start sucking gently. Once they get the hang of it, they will begin to draw the liquid up the straw on their own. 

As a beginner, It’s essential to start with a small amount of liquid. Babies may get frustrated if they can’t successfully draw enough liquid on the first try. With time and repetition, your baby will get used to using the straw cup. 

Age Considerations

When learning to drink from straw, the appropriate age can vary from baby to baby. Here are some general guidelines regarding to this:

9 Months Old

Most babies are ready to learn straw drinking at around 9 months. This is when they start developing the necessary oral motor skills and coordination. Every baby is different,some may pick it up earlier or later. 9 months is a good target age to start introducing the straw cup.

2 Years Old

Mostly toddlers of 2 years old will easily figure out how to drink from a straw. Their oral muscles and coordination continue to improve. Straw drinking is a simple task.  If you see your child is struggling with this technique by the age of 2, don’t worry. Some kids need a little more time and practice. Start introducing the straw cup early and make it a regular part of the child’s feeding routine. You can make your kids pro within no time with patience and consistency,. 

Be Cautious

Be Cautious while you drinking from a straw
Image Source: Pexel

While teaching your baby to drink from a straw cup is an important skill, it’s essential to do it safely. Keep the following things in consideration while learning new techniques. 

Coughing and Choking

Babies may try to suck the straw too quickly which can cause them to cough or even choke. It could happen when they draw the liquid up the straw too fast.

Thicker Liquids

When your baby fully masters the straw drinking technique starting with thicker and creamier liquids is best. These liquids flow up the straw more slowly, reducing the risk of choking. Gradually transition to thinner liquids like water or juice. Every parent needs to teach their child development through different learning activities, like drinking from a straw or helping to support a child with anxiety.

Final thoughts

These are the few facts that we have shared to master this technique. Following these simple steps such as choosing the right straw cup and demonstrating the proper technique can help your little one master this new skill. Every baby will pick up at their own pace. Make it a fun and positive experience for your kid to not get frustrated if progress seems slow. Give a try to these techniques as your babies will be on their way to sippy cups. 


Three Effective Techniques to Support Your Children With Anxiety

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Childhood is supposed to be a time for fun, not worry. But an alarming number of our kids are feeling anxious. The Young Minds Matter survey conducted by researchers in America found one in 14 Aussie kids has an anxiety disorder. There are lots of common causes of anxiety in kids and lots of different reasons why children will worry, and that will also differ by their age. So, for example, separation anxiety is a normal developmental stage that happens for all babies at around six months of age, and that’s normal. 

What are the Causes of Worry for  Little Children?


For little kids, common worries loud noises, the dark, being separated from mum and dad, strangers, animals like dogs, monsters, and that kind of thing. And then, as kids get older, their worries change. They might start worrying more about fitting in with friends and being accepted at school and amongst their peers. Performing at school, performing at sports, music, or whatever they do in their spare time.

How Do I Know When To Worry About My Child’s Level of Worry?

When it’s getting in the way of normal activities, for example, if I get a bee sting on my hand, I might feel a bit nervous the next time I see a bee, and that’s a completely normal common reaction that we’d all have. But if my worries get to the extent where, say, I don’t want to go to the park to play with my friends anymore because there might be a bee there, or I’m too nervous to leave the house in case there’s a bee outside. That’s when we start to think, okay, I need to enlist some extra help here. 

Parenting Prospectus Has Three Main Tips To Help You Manage Your Child’s Anxiety

Image source: Freepik

Tip One: Talk About It: 

Talking about what anxiety is, what that might be like for your child, and working out what their triggers are so it might be working out where in their body they feel anxiety: a sore tummy today or a racing heart. Or, if you notice your child’s looking anxious, talk about what thoughts they might be having and what’s making you hide today, and then talk that through. 

The goal is not to get rid of anxiety; that’s unrealistic; all children will anxious. It’s to help your child understand that they can tolerate and manage the distress associated with anxiety so that anxiety itself doesn’t become a scary thing.

Tip Two: Model Healthy Behavior

So if you’re feeling stressed, say, “Look, mum’s feeling a bit stressed at the moment,” and talk about how you’re getting through that, so “I’m going to take a few big deep breaths. I’m going to think about the problem and possible solutions, and then I’m going to feel better once the worry passes.”. Try to know how to help build confidence for Sensitive Children.

Tip Three: Validate Their Feelings

So, for example, your child might feel worried about a math test. You might say, “Of course, you’re feeling worried; math tests are a bit scary, aren’t they?” and then you help them to confront that fear and say okay, you can take a few deep breaths, you can tense and relax your muscles, you can practice some maths at home so you feel prepared for tomorrow, and then you help them to confront their fear so that they know that they can deal with this anxiety and that it’s going to okay. 

If you still have concerns, If a parent is worried about their child’s levels of anxiety and thinks they getting to a point where they’re getting in the way of their child living out their everyday life, there lots of places to seek help. The first port of call could their GP, and they can help you get in touch with community services or private services like clinical psychologists who can help your child talk through their worries with things like cognitive behavior therapy.

Mastering Parenthood: Key Gadgets for Bonding With Each Twin

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Being a parent to twins can be a thrilling and challenging experience. While the thought of having two little bundles of joy may seem overwhelming, it also brings twice the love, laughter, and happiness. However, as a twin parent, finding ways to bond with your little ones individually is essential while nurturing their unique bond as siblings. Luckily, with the help of some key gadgets, you can make the most of your time with your twins and create special moments that will last a lifetime.

The double-duty baby monitor

Investing in a high-quality double-duty baby monitor is crucial for parents of twins. These advanced monitors allow you to keep a vigilant eye on both children simultaneously, even when they’re in separate rooms. With features like split-screen viewing, night vision, and two-way audio, you can ensure their safety and comfort anywhere in your home. This technology provides peace of mind and makes it easier to respond to each twin’s needs promptly, reinforcing your bond by being there for them, no matter the time of day or night.

Twin feeding systems

Meal times with twins can be hectic, but twin feeding systems are designed to streamline the process, making it manageable and enjoyable. These systems often include double nursing pillows and tandem bottle holders, allowing you to feed both babies simultaneously. This saves time and facilitates a shared feeding experience, strengthening your connection with each twin. By simplifying meal times, these gadgets help create a calm and bonding atmosphere, ensuring you and your twins have a pleasant and stress-free experience during one of the most intimate parts of the day.

Dual-carrier systems

For adventurous parents, a twin carrier system is indispensable for outdoor excursions and everyday errands. These ergonomically designed carriers simultaneously carry both twins, ensuring you can navigate crowds and pathways without the bulk of a double stroller. With your little ones snuggled securely against you, the twin carrier fosters a unique closeness, allowing you to share new experiences and sights effortlessly. It’s a practical solution for staying active and engaged with the world around you, all while maintaining that essential physical connection with your twins.

The magic of twin swings and soothers

Twin swings and soothers are a godsend for parents seeking to simultaneously calm and entertain their twins. These gadgets, designed to mimic the gentle rocking and soothing sounds of a parent’s embrace, are fantastic for instilling a sense of security and comfort in both babies. By using swings and soothers that cater to twins, you can provide a harmonious environment that nurtures their emotional well-being while giving them a moment to breathe. Additionally, many models offer individual controls, allowing you to customize the experience to each twin’s preferences and ensuring both feel equally content and loved.

Engaging in play and learning toys

In twin parenting, selecting engaging play and learning toys that cater to each child’s development is vital. Look for interactive toys that encourage cognitive skills, such as problem-solving puzzles and educational tablets designed for early learners. Musical instruments and art supplies also offer wonderful opportunities for twins to express their unique personalities and interests. By introducing a variety of toys that support learning and play in different ways, you ensure that each twin receives stimulation tailored to their developmental stage and preferences, fostering a love for discovery and a sense of individual achievement.

High-tech health gadgets

In the modern parenting toolkit, high-tech health gadgets are indispensable for monitoring the well-being of twins. Smart thermometers and wearable baby monitors offer real-time insights into each child’s health, tracking vital signs and alerting parents to irregularities. These gadgets streamline health monitoring and foster a sense of security, knowing you’re always informed about your twins’ condition. Integrating these advanced tools into your caregiving routine ensures that both twins receive prompt attention and care tailored to their health needs, reinforcing your commitment to their well-being.

Navigating the joys and challenges of twin parenthood is undeniably a unique journey. By embracing innovative gadgets designed to simplify life, foster individual bonds, and support each twin’s growth and comfort, you can create a nurturing and loving environment that benefits the whole family. Remember, the goal is to survive and thrive in the early years, cherishing each moment and milestone. With the right tools, mastering the art of twin parenting becomes a possibility and a reality.

baby Motor Skill Milestones,Motor skill development chart

Parent’s Guide: Nurturing Your Baby’s Motor Skills Month by Month

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Welcoming a new baby into your family is an exciting and overwhelming experience. As a parent, you constantly wonder if your baby is developing and reaching their milestones at the right pace. One of the key areas of development to keep an eye on is your baby’s motor skills. From rolling over to crawling and eventually walking. These milestones show physical growth and indicate your baby’s cognitive and social development. In this guide, we will break down the monthly motor skill milestones you can expect from your little ones in their first year giving you a better understanding of their growth and helping you support their development.

Why Parents Like Baby Motor Skills?

Motor skills refer to the abilities required to move and control the body. These are divided into two categories: gross motor skills. Which involve more significant movements using the arms, legs, feet, or the entire body, such as crawling and walking and fine motor skills. Which involve more minor actions using the hands and fingers, like grasping and manipulating objects. Development of these skills is crucial as they form the foundation for more complex tasks. During the first year, babies rapidly develop these skills in stages. Starting from simple reflex actions to more deliberate movements.

Birth To 3 Months The Early Stages

Birth To 3 Months The Early Stages
Image Source : Tatiana Syrikova

In the first three months your baby will primarily exhibit reflexive movements such as sucking and grasping. Gradually they will gain more control over their movements. Allowing them to lift their head and chest during tummy time. This period is crucial for strengthening their neck and upper body muscles. Encouraging tummy time and providing stimulating toys within their field of vision can help nurture these early motor skills. Watch as they swipe at objects a sign of developing hand-eye coordination.

4 to 6 Months Gaining Strength And Coordination

During this stage, your baby will progress significantly in strength and coordination. You may notice your little one beginning to roll over from their stomach to their back and vice versa. This is an exciting time as your baby starts to explore the world from different perspectives. To support this new skill, consider using a baby floor mat to provide a safe and comfortable space for practice. Additionally your baby will work on sitting up with support enhancing their core strength. Encouraging playtime with colorful toys on their baby floor mat can also promote hand-eye coordination as they reach for and grasp objects.

7 To 9 Months Sitting Crawling And More

7 To 9 Months child Sitting Crawling And More
Image Source: Photo by Hasan Albari

By 7 to 9 months babies often master sitting without support showcasing improved balance and muscle strength. This newfound independence opens the door to crawling. Which may start as scooting or army crawling before transitioning to the classic crawl. Encourage this mobility by placing toys just out of reach to motivate movement. You might also notice your baby beginning to pull themselves up to stand, using furniture for support. This is a critical time to baby-proof your home, ensuring a kids safe from summer break exploration environment. Observing your baby’s attempts to communicate through gestures and sounds becomes more prominent. Marking cognitive advancements alongside physical ones.

10 To 12 Months Standing And Taking First Steps

10 To 12 Months Child Standing And Taking First Steps
Image source: Photo by Hasan Albari

In this final stage of their first year babies often amaze their parents by starting to stand unassisted and taking their very first steps. This significant milestone highlights their increasing muscle strength and coordination. To encourage walking, create a safe open space to practice moving without obstacles. Soft supportive footwear can also assist in this developmental phase, providing protection and grip for those tentative steps. Engage with your baby by holding their hands to support early walking attempts celebrating each small achievement to build confidence and encourage further exploration and independence in their motor skill journey.

Tips for supporting your baby’s motor development

To support your baby’s motor development. Create a stimulating environment with toys that encourage reaching, grasping and moving. Engage in interactive play by singing songs and gently moving your baby’s limbs through different motions. Regularly change your baby’s position to encourage muscle strength and flexibility. Ensure your baby has ample tummy time under supervision to build neck and upper body strength. Most importantly provide a safe space for your baby to explore and move freely. Celebrate their achievements no matter how small to boost their confidence and encourage continued development.

Consider keeping a baby book as you document your baby’s motor skill milestones. This cherished keepsake can be a beautiful reminder of your little one’s early achievements and growth. Witnessing each milestone is a testament to your baby’s development and your nurturing support. Each baby is different and will reach their milestones at their own pace. Embrace and celebrate every step of their journey. knowing you provide the love and encouragement they need to thrive.

A young child happily playing with toy trucks, engrossed in imaginative play and exploring their surroundings.

Top 15 Best Educational Toys for 2 Year Olds

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Do you know what makes toys educational for kids? Any toy that helps your kid to learn can make a difference in achieving a milestone. Educational toys are essential for early childhood development. Toys should be selected wisely to support key areas of your 2 year old growth such as language skills, fine motor coordination, problem-solving etc. Here are some amazing educational toys to encourage imaginative play or entertain your toddler.

What makes the best educational toys for 2-year-olds?

An educational toy should be fun and suitable for the age, developmental needs, and personality. The best educational toys for 2 years old should:

  • Support cognitive development
  • Develop fine motor skills
  • Promote creativity and imagination
  • Teach social-emotional skills and problem-solving

Need to Know about Educational Toys for 2 Year Olds

Two year olds are busy little explorers! They’re learning new things every day, and educational toys can help them develop important skills in a fun and engaging way. Here are some great options to consider

Building Blocks⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Are you looking for toys that provide countless possibilities for fun? Building blocks are the best option for building, constructing and designing whatever kids imagine. It helps to develop their language and early math skills. Toddlers will learn to plan and strategize with colors, shapes and sizes.

Matching Toys⭐⭐⭐⭐

Such toys may look simple and easy but matching them improves visual memory and cognitive skills. It will help your children learn about representation and develop problem-solving skills. To improve fine motor skills, they are best at improving language, vocabulary and social interaction.

Wooden Musical Instruments⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Music stimulates a child’s brain and can make learning so easy. It improves the creativity and imagination within 2 year olds. Such toys are best to focus on brain development. You can go for maracas, tambourines or drums.

Outdoor Toys⭐⭐⭐

These toys help your kids explore nature and develop a connection with nature, plants and animals. It could be anything like gardening tools, catching nets or fishing rods. Nature exposure will keep your kid active and they will learn empathy for other living things. Outdoor toys should be selected carefully to make your kids active.

Montessori Generation Busy Board⭐⭐⭐⭐

This bag has various activity options such as buckles, snap pockets, laces, buttons and zippers. This is manufactured with the highest quality material to provide educational value by promoting creativity and fine motor skills.

Melissa & Doug Piece Wood Block Set⭐⭐⭐

This block set includes 100 solid wood blocks in nine shapes and four colors. They are made from sustainably sourced wood. It will provide educational value by teaching early math concepts, fine motor skills and shape recognition. The set is certified by FSC and US and EU certificates.

Vtech Desk⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Your kids will love sitting at their desks to explore new things. This desk transforms into a chalkboard for your kids to create whatever they want. This toy helps to work on counting skills with counting mat and number recognition.

Train Table⭐⭐⭐⭐

Train tables have transformed into LEGO tables throughout the years. It comes with different accessories and storage. You need to teach your child vocabulary words with all fun accessories. It will allow your child to enjoy some imaginative play.

Spike the Hedgehog⭐⭐⭐⭐

We all know kids love fine motor activities and help to build their concentration skills. This toy works on color learning skills and fine motor skills. Spike Hedgehog is a wonderful educational toy for 2-year olds to practice basic life skills.

Shape Beanbags⭐⭐⭐⭐

Kids want to PLAY and LEARN and these beanbags are the best educational toy for 2-year olds to learn shapes. It helps to learn gross motor skills which is essential to teach. You can help your children learn with this toy by scattering the bean bags around the room and asking your child to find specific shapes. Make it more active by galloping, running, walking, hopping, or jumping from bag to bag.

Interactive Piggy Bank⭐⭐⭐⭐

This educational toy is great learning for kids because it works on numbers, counting and fine motor skills. You can work on color learning skills by showing each color of the coins and observing if they can point to specific colored coins.

Water Table⭐⭐⭐⭐

If you want some fun with your toddler, the water table is the perfect outdoor toy for 2 year old. Kids always love to play with water and this toy fascinates them. Add water beads for sensory play filler and with the specific water table, you will have so much fun. Add some fine motor toys so kids can enjoy more. Don’t forget to add tear-free soap inside the water table to wash their toys.

Sprinkler Splash Pad⭐⭐⭐⭐

This one is the best outdoor educational toy for your little one. They will have new learning possibilities with this toy. Splashing is a favorite activity for kids on warm summer days. Focus on practicing some letter recognition. You can ask them to find the letters by stomping on certain letters.

Learning book set⭐⭐⭐⭐

There are different themes inside this book set which perfect educational toy is for 2 year olds. Show a picture on each page and discuss what is on every page. Make sure they can identify what is on every page.

Animal Sound Book⭐⭐⭐⭐

Books are the best way to teach your child. This educational toy is best for kids to learn about animals. It’s much easier to talk about each animal on the book page and show the sound button for every animal. Kids would love this for making animal sounds for each animal.

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These are the best educational toys for 2 years old. There are several toys in the market but you need to select the right one because the right toy will improve cognitive abilities and fine motor skills. Every child has different learning abilities so certain toys may work for some children but not others. Do let us know which toy your kid likes the most. Have a happy learning.

Tips for Parents to Keep Their Kids Safe from Abuse Over Summer Break

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By Dr. Shani Verschleiser, Founder of MagenU

Summer break is a wonderful time for children to rest, recharge, have fun and experience new things they don’t have time for during the school year. It’s also a time of slightly reduced supervision for many kids. Whether they’re at summer camp, playing far from their parents’ reach at the park or off on a playdate with a friend, parents may not always have as firm of a grasp on their children’s exact location or activity status.  These potential new experiences are a great chance to review safety rules and apply some new ones.  

This sort of increased independence is vitally important to a child’s growth but must come with proper preparation and clearly established guidelines from parents, as kids may exposed to new potential offenders within new conditions that parents may not have taught their kids how to navigate yet. Even if your children spend the summer surrounded by peers and adults that you trust, it’s important to remember that the vast majority of child abuse cases come from someone that the child knows and trusts, rather than a nefarious stranger.

Kids Summer Break Tips for Parents

Parents must be delicately-but-directly have important conversations with their children about what red flags they need to be on the lookout for and when to come to their parents with uncomfortable information. It may seem like too difficult a conversation to have, especially with younger children, but the most effective way to handle child abuse is to prevent it. This means digging deeper than a general conversation with your kids about their comfort and personal space; they’ll safest if you work to truly educate them on their safety.

1. Know Your Child’s “Body Safety Rules”

Children learn new things about socialization and interactions with others every day. So, they may not completely clear on what constitutes normal, friendly, harmless touching and what is nefarious touching that crosses the line. Work with your child to define what kind of touch is appropriate and what kind of touch goes too far and violates their “Body Safety Rules.” This way, there will no mistaking what is and is not acceptable.

2. Explain that “Tricky People” Might Try to Violate Your “Body Safety Rules” & More

Teach your child that a clear way to discern whether someone they’re interacting with is “tricky” is if they attempt to get your child to break a safety rule including their “Body Safety Rules”  No adult who violates their “Body Safety Rules” does so by accident.

3. Assure Children They’ll Never Get in Trouble for Coming to You with Information

An adult who is behaving inappropriately with your child might tell them that they can never tell their parents about what they’re doing, because they may both get in trouble. If this is a person your child knows and trusts, they may feel guilty about getting them in trouble and certainly don’t want to get themselves in trouble too. This is a common tactic to keep kids from ever coming forward with information about their abuse.

Parents must make it explicitly clear to their children that they will never get in trouble for coming to them with information that may upsetting or uncomfortable. If a child worries that their information could cause problems for themselves or a loved one, they’ll likely try to keep it to themselves.

4. Teach your children how to confidently but carefully exit uncomfortable or dangerous situations

Removing oneself from a tricky or uncomfortable situation is a difficult task for many children. They seldom see these instances coming and are often paralyzed by fear or confusion when they arise. Although it is very difficult, parents must speak with their children about these situations and work with them to develop a plan on how to confidently navigate their way out of them, should they ever come up.

Gently but directly take them through scenarios they may find themselves in and practice what they need to say and do to safely exit these situations.  Most importantly let your child know that if they can’t get away it is not their fault and you will always love them and believe them no matter what.  

5. Children should trust their gut: if they feel uncomfortable, there’s a reason for it

Even if a child is uncomfortable during an interaction with an adult, especially one they know and trust, they may feel compelled to endure the situation, in an attempt to polite. Parents need to make it abundantly clear to their children that they need to trust their gut in situations like this: if they feel uncomfortable, there is likely a good reason for it and they should carefully exit the situation as quickly as they can and inform the nearest trusted adult. They should never put themselves at risk by staying in a potentially dangerous situation out of deference to an adult’s feelings.

6. Trusted adults won’t ask kids to keep secrets

If an adult asks a child to keep something they’ve told them or done with them a complete secret, never to be revealed to anyone, it could very well be something nefarious that the child’s needs to know about right away. Parents need to make a clear delineation between “secrets” and “surprises.” A surprise is often something fun that will be revealed sometime shortly, but a secret that is never meant to be spoken about could tied to something much more sinister.

 7. Always stay with a “buddy”

The “buddy system” is a concept that’s been around forever, because it works. When kids, especially older ones, are out and about in the summertime, they should always stick with a trusted buddy. If at any point they are separated from their buddy or they end up on their own, it’s time for them to find or contact a parent or the nearest trusted adult.

8. Don’t go anywhere without informing your parent or guardian

As kids get older, they may want to pack their summer days with all sorts of different activities that may take them to various nearby locations. Parents need to make it clear to their children that they should never leave one location in favor of another without asking permission or informing them or the trusted adult in charge. Even as your child grows older and exerts more independence, you should always aware of where they are when they’re out of the house.

9. Understanding when a trusted adult can no longer trusted

Because a majority of child abuse cases come from known and trusted figures in a child’s life, it’s important that your kids understand when they should discard their trust in someone. A truly trustworthy adult will always respect and believe a child’s feelings and experiences when they come to them with distressing information.

If a seemingly-trustworthy adult does not grant this respect to your children or actively behaves in ways that make them uncomfortable or violate their Body Safety Rules, your child should internally flag the person as no longer trustworthy and inform their parents.

10. Safest kind of stranger is a grown woman with children

In the hopefully-unlikely event your child is without a parent or guardian and needs adult assistance amid a precarious situation, they should know that the best kind of stranger to approach for help is a woman who is with children. These strangers are their best bet in finding someone who will understanding of their issues and can help handle them.  

A white building serves as the backdrop for a family of four walking together, practicing gentle parenting.

Reasons to Adopt Gentle Parenting Techniques

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The traditional style of parenting revolves around the idea that children need to be strictly controlled. Gentle parenting is different. It’s all about listening to your child to understand their emotions better and guiding them with love and gentle touch. Rather than giving orders or saying, “Do as I say,” you ought to establish a close, trustworthy bond with your child.

Because then the child is able to understand their own emotions and regulate them which helps them take positive actions that are most suitable. And guess what? More and more parents are realizing the value of gentle parenting.  Let’s discuss why exactly parents should adopt this approach and how they can benefit from it.

What is Gentle Parenting

Gentle parenting actually prioritizes the emotional needs and well-being of children. To create a safe and nurturing environment for the kids, it emphasizes different aspects like:

  • Empathy
  • Understanding
  • Respect

This approach encourages parents to create a strong bond with their children. It promotes trust, open communication, and positive discipline strategies. Some gentle parenting techniques include active listening, validating feelings, setting clear boundaries through calm discussions, and offering choices instead of commands. These methods aim to foster trust and mutual respect, allowing children to feel secure while learning to navigate their emotions and decisions responsibly.

Improved Self-Esteem

Gentle parenting prioritizes respect, avoiding shame, and offering unconditional love and acceptance. When a child is consistently valued and understood, obviously they will develop a strong sense of self-worth.

Unlike harsh punishments and criticism in traditional parenting, gentle parenting is more about guidance and positive reinforcement. This helps children to believe in their own capabilities. They feel capable and competent.

Parents who emphasize empathy and understanding assist their children in processing challenging emotions and circumstances without letting negativity sink in.

Treating children with respect and celebrating their individuality helps them become more confident and develop inner security. This all results in healthy resilience, and they’re able to say “I can do it” in the face of all challenges.

Strong Parent-Child Bonds

Mutual respect and open communication in gentle parenting ultimately strengthen the relationship between parent and child. Instead of just enforcing rules, it encourages parents to interact with their children, keeping in mind that they are whole individuals with their own emotions and opinions. It’s simple.

When parents will listen to their children actively and show empathy, there will be a boost in a child’s self-esteem. And this will also strengthen parent-child trust.

Children raised in such environments feel more secure and supported, which is crucial for healthy emotional and social development. These interactions create a deep, long-lasting bond that gives the child a solid base to support them through a variety of obstacles in life.

Reduced Behavioral Problems

Behavioral problems arise when you punish undesirable behavior rather than understanding the root causes of a child’s actions. This is what gentle parenting focuses on to understand the root cause.

This approach involves compassionately setting clear boundaries and expectations, which helps children understand the consequences of their actions within a context of empathy and respect. Using positive discipline strategies, like problem-solving together and understanding the consequences of actions, can be helpful.

This way, children can learn self-control and the value of making wise decisions. What is the result? Better behavior at home and in social situations. This is because they’re able to internalize discipline rather than just being afraid of the external consequences.

Children raised with gentle parenting show fewer instances of aggression, defiance, and other common behavioral problems over time because they’re able to control their emotions and reactions.

Reduced Stress for Parents

We all know how stressful it is to be parents. But gentle parenting takes care of that as well. By emphasizing connection and collaboration, this method reduces the power conflicts and emotional outbursts that frequently result in parental burnout. How, you ask? By emphasizing connection and collaboration.

When parents understand the motivations behind their child’s behavior, their response will be more empathetic rather than frustrating. This change in perspective can diffuse challenging situations and prevent conflicts from getting worse.

Gentle parenting is all about teamwork between parents and children. Instead of a constant battle of wills, there’s teamwork and collaboration to find the solutions. This obviously results in reduced frustration, promoting a more peaceful and harmonious household for everyone.

Promotes Long-term Mental Health

How many of you can relate to developing mental health issues growing up? Gentle parenting prioritizes a nurturing and empathetic approach, which significantly impacts a child’s mental health throughout their life.

To prevent any stress-related disorders from kicking in, it’s essential that parents consistently validate their children’s feelings and provide a secure environment for them to grow in. This method helps children learn to manage their emotions and stress effectively rather than bottling them up or becoming overwhelmed by them.

This emotional support promotes emotional stability and a sense of self-worth while also lowering the risk of developing disorders like anxiety and depression. So when your children grow up, they’ll have resilience and a healthy mindset, which is enough to handle the challenges that life throws at them.

Supports Academic Success

You can ensure the academic success of your children by creating a supportive environment that inspires children to enjoy learning. That’s what gentle parenting does.

It focuses on encouragement rather than punishment. It helps children develop a love for education and a desire to explore new topics. When they’re not afraid of failure, they’re more likely to take intellectual risks.

Children who know that their efforts are appreciated tend to have higher self-esteem and greater academic engagement. Not to mention, the problem-solving, critical thinking, and perseverance skills that children acquire through gentle parenting are directly transferable to assignments and school projects.

Ultimately, children nurtured in such an environment often perform better academically, as they associate learning with positive experiences and personal growth.

Perfection in Parenthood

Embracing gentle parenting isn’t about achieving perfection in parenthood. Rather, it involves establishing a nurturing and encouraging atmosphere that benefits both you and your child. By focusing on empathy, connection, and guidance, you cultivate a strong relationship with your child and aid in their acquisition of crucial life skills. Choose to adopt this approach to parent leader tips, as it contributes to the well-being of children, fortifies family bonds, and nurtures a kinder, more caring society for all.

Trampoline Games

Fun Games To Play On The Trampoline

800 500 jonaas

It’s essential to keep your kids engaged in different activities for child development, coordination and strength. These are favorite fun activities for kids of all ages to play games outdoors. Have you ever had a chance to jump on a trampoline game online? You must have an idea how much it would be fun for you at that time. Games and competitions can take kids and adults skills to the level. Here we are diving into some exciting fun games on the trampoline. Let’s get into the blog.

Bouncing Air Catch

Age Limit: 6+

When one player bounces in the middle of the trampoline while another player is on the ground and throws a ball high over the trampoline. Each ball is caught while jumpering in mid-air. More balls are thrown, the two players trade places. Whoever gets the most points out of total balls will be the winner.

Crack the Egg

Age Limit: 5+

It’s a simple game and needs at least two people to play this. One child curls up in a ball and the other jumps and bounces around to crack the egg. The player is the “egg” and the other players jump up and down to get the egg to release their legs and “crack”. Have each player take a turn being the egg and see who can stay the longest. 

Follow the Leader

Age Limit: 6-14

Follow the Leader Game

It’s a classic game that would be more fun to play outdoors on a trampoline. The main purpose of this game is to promote engagement and learning. It allows children to have fun with such beneficial games. Kids can develop listening skills and physical coordination. 

Play this game with these simple steps:

  • Choose a child to be a leader.
  • Line up other child-sensitive confidence behind the leader.
  • The leader begins moving around and performing various actions. 
  • Mimic the leader’s actions.
  • Pick a new leader to keep the game engaging. 

Name game

Age limit: 10+

Name game

You will need at least three players for this game. Assign a person to be “it”. The “it” player will get the trampoline. The other players will make up new names for themselves. Add an extra word in there to make it more difficult. Next all players enter the trampoline and bounce around. They can roll on their back but not get on their feet. The “it” player will attempt to catch the other players from their position. Once they catch someone, they have to guess their name. In case if they guess correctly that person becomes “it”. If they guess wrong the game continues. 

Trampoline Tramp

Age Limit: 8+

Trampoline Tramp

This game is pretty simple. One does a trick and the other players take turns to copy him. If anyone cannot do the trick the player receives the first letter in the word “tramp”. The player receives the next letter in the word “tramp”. The word can also be shorter for a quick game such as dog or cat.

Trampoline Tag

This game is a variation of the classic game tag but it has several challenges of bouncing on a trampoline. If you don’t know how to play then follow these steps:

  • Choose a player to “it”. The player who is “it” must tag other players to remove them from the game. 
  • Every player has to bounce on the trampoline all the time. They are not allowed to touch the ground.
  • You must make physical contact to tag another player. Only those players are tagged who are in reach of “it.”
  • When a player is tagged they are out and have to leave the trampoline. 
  • When the designated limit is reached or all the players have been tagged game ends. 

Hot Potato

This is a classic version of a hot potato of trampoline. You are required to have a ball or potato to pass around. Play hot potato by following these steps:

  • Players will stand on the trampoline and pass a soft foam ball around the circle while bouncing.
  • Pass the object or ball quickly to avoid being caught when the music stops.
  • Start playing music and let the players pass the ball around the circle while bouncing on the trampoline. 
  • When music stops, the player holding the ball is out for the round. 
  • Game continues when there is only one player left and he will be declared as the winner. 

Bounce Freeze

This is a fun and active trampoline game that is perfect for kids moving and having fun. Add variations for freezing players in certain poses or allow them to jump on foot. Follow certain steps to play bounce freeze:

  • Let all the players jump on the trampoline together and play the music in the background.
  • When the music stops, everyone must freeze and stop jumping.
  • The last one who freezes or the one who falls down is out of the game.
  • Start music and continue playing when only one player left. Last one will be the winner. 

How to Keep Kids Safe While Jumping on a Trampoline Game?

Your kids may have lots of fun while jumping on a trampoline. It’s essential for everyone to stay safe and know all the safety precautions. 

Install Safe Netting

Make sure every trampoline should have safe netting to prevent falls off the edge of the trampoline. 

Follow Weight Limits

Follow the weight limits specified by the manufacturer to avoid overloading trampoline. 

Teach Safe Jumping

Parents should teach kids to jump in the centre of the trampoline and avoid jumping too high to prevent injury. 

Regular Maintenance

Always inspect trampoline regularly to avoid damage and replace worn parts.

Keep the trampoline on level ground

Check the trampoline is on level ground and away from obstacles like power lines or trees. 


These are the games that we have listed to engage kids into fun activities. Trampolines are versatile and encouraging for kids so they can have fun without any interruption. Make sure parents are supervising and keeping an eye on their kids while jumping. 

Stabbing Pain

Sharp Stabbing Pain On Right Side After C Section

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We all know how much it’s difficult to bring new life into the world. C-sections are common these days but it requires long recovery time. Do you know one of the worst side effects of C-section is sharp stabbing pain on right side? This pain can be alarming and may cause additional stress and concerns for new born mothers. In this blog we will explore the ground realities of sharp stabbing pain on right side after C-section. Let’s get into this.

How painful it could be after a C-Section?

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The level of pain experienced on the right side after C-section can vary from woman to woman. Some women may not experience significant pain on right side, others have varying degrees of discomfort in specific area. It’s essential to communicate any pain or discomfort you experience including right side pain. They can elevate the specific symptoms, examine the incision site and determine the cause of the pain. Experts may recommend additional tests to figure out complications. The type of pain felt also varies just like a dull ache. It may feel like a stabbing, shooting or searing pain. Reasons of sharp stabbing pain on the right side after C-section in pregnancy.  Here are the following reasons for sharp stabbing pain on the right side after C-section:

Incisional Hernia

Well, during healing process the tissues around the incision site undergo repair. The most common cause is incisional hernia which occurs when part of intestine protrudes through abdominal wall. It occurs when bulge forms between the abdominal wall and muscle after childbirth. The incisional hernia will occur on both side at same time.

Injury to the ilioinguinal nerve

The ilioinguinal nerve provides sensation to groin and lower abdomen. If you are experiencing superficial pain around the edges of the scar then ilioinguinal nerve may have effected. If this nerve was affected when C-section was carried out, you may experience sharp abdominal pain on the right side.

Muscle Strain

The wall muscles often strained during C-section especially pushing for vaginal delivery. It causes cramping in the abdomen area and sharp pain around the incision site. When you run or lift the weight, muscle strain caused by sudden increase in activity. Strains go away within few weeks.

Abdominal Adhesions

They are thick fibres of tissue that attach the tissues of one part of the abdomen area to other. For abdominal operation such as C-section, body can create adhesions near the scar from surgery. Abdominal adhesions can trigger sharp stabbing pain on right side after C-section.


It’s a condition in which tissue normally lines the inside of the uterus but grows outside the uterus. The misplaced tissue affects ovaries, fallopian tubes and the lining of the pelvis. The main symptoms are pelvic pain can vary intensity and may worsen during menstruation. Other symptoms are painful periods, pain during bowel movements or urination, infertility and fatigue.

Infection or inflammation

Inflammation in the incision site can cause pain. It can lead to localized pain, tenderness, redness, swelling or discharge. Infection present on the right side trigger sharp stabbing pain in that area.

How to manage sharp stabbing pain on the right side after a C-Section?

Sharp pain right after a C-Section can make it difficult to complete daily chores. Here are the following ways to manage the sharp stabbing pain right after C-section:

Avoid heavy lifting

You should avoid heavy lifting immediately after operation because you may experience sharp stabbing pain on the right hand side following C-section surgery.

Get Active

Physical activity help to improve the range of motion while strengthening weakened muscles that may be affected by surgical trauma.

Wear Loose Clothing

Make sure you are wearing loose fitting dresses around stomach area so it doesn’t rub against incision. It can help you to avoid painful sensations that come with incision.

See Healthcare Professional

If you have sharp stabbing pain then it’s important to get in touch with healthcare professional. They will prescribe the medication to relieve your pain. Some medications used to treat postpartum pain include ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

Recommended physical therapy and exercises after C section

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Consult your healthcare provider before starting exercise program to ensure either it is appropriate for you or not:

Deep Breathing and Gentle Abdominal Contraction Exercises

  • Help to improve lung function and promote circulation.
  • Involves activating the core muscles by drawing navel in towards the spine.
  • Do exercises while lying down or sitting up right after the surgery.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

  • Helps to strengthen the muscles to support pelvic organs.
  • Contract the pelvic floor muscles to stop the flow of urine, hold for few seconds and then release.
  • Start with few repetitions and increase the duration.

Upper Body Strengthening

  • Perform gentle upper body exercises to maintain strength and prevent muscle imbalances.
  • It includes shoulder rolls, gentle arm raises and lightweight exercises.

Posture and Body Mechanics

  • Emphasis on maintaining good posture and body mechanics.
  • Use proper body mechanics to engage core muscles, bending at knees instead of the waist.

Gentle Walking

  • Helps to improve circulation for preventing blood clots and promote healing.
  • Get started with short and slow walks around home or in a controlled environment.

Its essential to listen your body and not push yourself too hard. If you experience any pain or discomfort during or after exercises, consult with healthcare provider.

Final Thoughts

These are the causes and ways to manage the stabbing pain on the right hand side after following the steps above. Make sure you have figured out everything with doctor so he can advice on how to tackle with this.