Author: jonaas

Parenting specialist, consultant & writer. Passionate about guiding families through challenges with empathy and expertise.

Pregnancy Tea Safety and Recommendations


Are you a herbal tea drinker? In that case, you’ll wonder which teas are safe during pregnancy. Today, I will take you through the...
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Sleepy Baby? Learn How to Dress Them Right

Health, Parenting

Are you wondering how to dress your baby to help them sleep safely and comfortably at night?. We have helped many families prepare their...
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No Yelling Challenge Review: Parent Leader Tips


Parenting Leader is a platform dedicated to helping parents raise well adjusted and happy children. Founded by child psychologist Derek...
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A Guide to Establishing a Healthy Sleep Routine for Your 13-Month-Old


You must be worried about establishing a healthy sleep routine for your 13-month-old. Quality sleep is essential for the overall well-being...
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10 Cute Kids Hairstyle Simple Enough for Any Parent to Understand


Mornings can be a whirlwind! Wrangling little ones to get dressed, fueled up, and out the door before the school bell rings often leaves...
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