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Ways to Reconnect And Enjoy Every Time With Your Teenager 

While it is normal for a relationship with your teen to drift with passage of time as they all develop a growing need of independence, building and maintaining a strong bond with them is very important. A good parent-teen relationship has been shown to improve the young adult’s mental health and greatly reduces the likelihood of developing substance abuse and risky behavior, plus lowers levels of stress and depression.In order to foster a meaningful bond with your teenager, here are some of the best ways to bridge the communication gap and at the same time enjoy spending quality time with your teen.

Cruising may be the perfect fit 

Planning a cruise with older kids gives them the freedom they want and an opportunity to digital detox which comes automatically with life on a cruise ship. Furthermore, multiple ports means no one ever gets bored. Whether it’s Europe’s historic wonders or Family Travel To Santorini, Mykonos or Crete, cruising opens the door to seeing new places as well as igniting the curiosity of the teens.

Let go of excess authority 

It is important to accept and recognize the transformation as your child grows and embrace the change without judgement and with open arms.Holding on to authority too tightly can easily misfire and provoke rebellion, or worse still a total breakdown in communication. Refrain from expecting your teenager to behave in a specific manner by being overly commanding. Instead adopt an approach that can help guide them while giving respect to their new found autonomy.

Foster a trusting relationship 

Creating an environment of trust and an avenue to seek help is essential as your teen is prone to making mistakes and can go astray.This trust can be established with consistent, open-minded and empathetic communication and above all a good uncluttered home environment.

Hear your teenager out without interrupting or offering a solution immediately, instead acknowledge their feelings and validate them. Adopt a non-confrontational approach, rather than lecturing them after a misstep.

Participate in shared activities 

Different interests and the generation gap often causes adolescents to feel disconnected from their parents. You can help by Spending More Time Together and showing genuine interest in their hobbies, whether a particular sport, playing a musical instrument or watching their favorite TV show together. This shows that you value and respect what they like best, leading to more and more meaningful interactions in the future.

Eat To Gether 

Make it a point to share at least one major Easy and Healthy Toodler Meal together whether it is lunch or dinner. During this time share topics from the day and discuss current and upcoming family plans. Go around the table with fun get-to-know questions like three things you are grateful for like” if you had one super power what would it be” and so on.

Invite Your Teen’s Friends Over

Your teenager’s friends are the most important things in their life, so invite them over to your house as often as you comfortably can and allow your house to be their hangout. This will allow you to stay better connected, not only with your child, but friends as well and know what is going on without any need to pry.